Southern Arizona Birding

WINTER Crisp days and clear blue skies, is the season for sparrows, longspurs, finches, raptors, empids, and ducks SPECIALTIES, many of which occur annually, include: Mountain Plover, Ruddy Ground-dove, Arizona Woodpecker, Hammond's & Dusky Flycatchers, Sprague's Pipit, Baird's Sparrow, McCown's & Chestnut-collared Longspurs.
SPRING Perfect temperatures and birds seem to be everywhere. Migrant hummingbirds, warblers, vireos, flycatchers, orioles, & tanagers. SPECIALTIES: Black-bellied Whistling-duck, Gray & Zone-tailed hawks, Whiskered Screech-owl, Magnificent Hummingbird, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Crissal Thrasher, Lucy's Warbler, Abert's Towhee.
SUMMER Resident breeders, hummers, Mexican straysษ cool, moist mornings, butterflies 'til lunch, afternoon thunderstorms, owls at dusk. SPECIALTIES: Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Elegant Trogon, N. Beardless-tyrannulet, Tropical & Thick-billed Kingbirds, Rose-throated Becard, Red-faced & Rufous-capped Warblers, Rufous-crowned, Botteri's, & Five-striped Sparrows, Varied Bunting.
FALL Migrant songbirds, raptors, & shorebirds, eastern straysษ learn immature and าwinterำ plumages in the cooling days and drying air of autumn. SPECIALTIES: Montezuma Quail, Lucifer Hummingbird, Olive-sided & Gray Flycatchers, Chihuahuan Raven, Mexican Chickadee, Olive, Townsend's, & Hermit Warblers, Yellow-eyed Junco.